Sunday, July 26, 2009

Who Will Watch?

The primary viewers of this show will be women aged 18-49 who would watch this show at night on a network such as ABC. We want to attract the female market because women have the most buying power but are often reflected on television as simple and submissive. As Susan J. Douglas comments in her 1995 book Where the Girls Are television creators typically don't create women focus shows "out of altruism; they did it because we’re still a big market and, as they are leaving, an increasing jaundiced, pissed-off market that wants to see women on their own, women being brave, women having adventures, and women with mouths on them.(286)

Our show is about women. They are complex and complicated. They are full of contradictions and full of life. Superficially it appears that our show has the two lead characters fit the stereotypical molds of women: the outspoken bitch and the submissive wife. However when you take a deeper look you see that the women full of twists and turns and break away from any expectation that is put upon them.

Just as Douglas states that traditional shows hope to draw an audience by representing the simplified versions and hoping for "the women audience to be pulled into the middle." (p.244) We believe that women will be more devoted to watching characters that are realistically complex.

Commercials and Product Placements

After all these years women still suffer from Superwoman Syndrome. Like Douglas points out women still feel like they need to successfully do it all and look good doing it. (1995) While it is unfortunate for women, it is lucrative for advertisers. Having advertisements such as: cosmetics:
chain retail stores:
cleaning products:
and computers:
will be very profitable ventures. In addition product placements such as having the women drink Diet Coke, having the family play a Nintendo Wii, or having all the computers in the house be Macs will be great brand exposure also.

When to Tune in?

The Ms. Adventures of Co-parenting is intended on being a half hour situation comedy that would air after 8 PM on a weeknight. We feel that this show is a great prime time program because all of the other sitcoms that this show is influenced by were prime time shows. The appeal of this show will be for women who are not home during the daytime hours, therefore a later time slot will increase its audience size. Also, because some of the issues covered in an episode may be for a mature audience a time slot after young children go to bed would be best.